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This year I became a Sony wedding photographer. Since I first used a camera, I have used a Canon SLR. It was about time for a change. This image was taken from one of my first weddings with a Ar7 Mk3 . Along with the new camera body, I was also using new lenses. For this photograph, I used 35mm with an aperture of F1.4.

The colours at a spring wedding are always special. If you combine that with beautiful sunlight, then that’s just a dream for me. We had all this going for us during our couple shoot at Sarah and Thomas’ wedding. 

The image below was taken during the drinks reception. As you can see, there is a degree of posing. But once in the pose, it’s my job as an experienced wedding photographer to put the couple at ease. Getting to know a bride and grooms interests, how they met etc, is important here. This is all done at a pre-wedding shoot. After this was taken it was time for the speeches. We made our way back to the Leicestershire wedding venue and joined the guests for more champagne! 

Want to hear what my couples say about me? You can here!

the great house in sonning



We all love a summer wedding! Well back in August, I received a last minute booking to provide wedding photography in Berkshire! 

Before the day, I went to meet the Bride and Groom at the venue. We had chat about the wedding photography that I would produce for them on their special day. It was here that they told me that they had hired a boat! The venue was on the banks of The Thames river and they wanted to use it to take their guest for champagne fuelled trips! I knew straight away that we stood a good chance of some beautiful photographs and got thinking about what we could achieve.

Below is the resulting image. I love it! It really does sum up this stunning day perfectly. Composing the boat as a leading line into the frame works beautifully. It draws your eye to the great house wedding venue in the distance so there is an element of storytelling too. 

I really hope you love their image. If you’d like to chat about your day you can contact me here!

a bride dances with her friends at Dodford manor



There’s nothing better than a wedding party is there? Dancing the night away and enjoying yourself is what a wedding is all about!


I took this frame while at Dodford Manor in Northamptonshire. It’s a beautiful venue set in the heart of the countryside. As a photographer, it’s the perfect location. I love the sunsets there. It allows me to capture beautiful artistic photographs.

This image though, was taken after the sun went down. When the first dance is over, it’s time to boogie! This image depicts the bride and her bridesmaids having a great time together. If this was my friends and I, it would be one of my favourites. As soon as I saw them all together, I was straight over with my camera to make sure I captured the moment. I hope you love it! Give me some love below in the comments if you do! 

For photographers, this was photographed using a Sony a7 mklll, a Goddox flashgun.

If you’d like to see more of my work you can here!



When I was asked to produce wedding photography at Burghley House I could hardly believe my luck! It is a simply breath-taking stately home. If you haven’t been, I urge you to go! Being asked to produce wedding photography in such beautiful locations is a real treat.


Wedding speeches are usually fun and I’m always poised in the viewfinder to capture all the laughter and joy. As a rule, I like to ensure that I have a great photograph of the speaker and of the bride and grooms reactions first a foremost. After this though, it’s playtime! It’s always important to watch the wedding guests and during the Bestman’s speech. More often than not, you’ll snap a pic similar to this! This is one of my fave unposed shots from this year. The two guests covering their faces are just priceless!

If you’d like to find out what more about my wedding photography packages then you can, by clicking here!

dodford manor wedding photography



Here’s an image from a recent wedding at the beautiful Dodford Manor venue. Sarah and Paul had asked me prior to the day to try and capture a few artistic images. Both loved my reportage work, but wanted something that they could add to a frame and enjoy. They wanted something that wasn’t obviously a wedding photograph.

In the evening, we went outside in the rain and composed this photograph. It uses flash and coloured gels to achieve the effect. I love the colours and the rim light around the couple. I used blue and red as they are opposite sides of the colour wheel and so work together each other perfectly.

I was really pleased with this capture. I hope you love it too! Let me know what you think in the comments below.

If you are looking for artistic wedding photography then please get in touch. You can see more examples here!



Here’s a wedding image from back in 2018. The bride and groom for this one were Louise and Rob. They had their special day in a marquee overlooking a reservoir in Northamptonshire.


In the day, I’d noticed some beautiful festoon lights decorating the trees. I made a mental note to revisit them later in n the evening. So, as the sun disappeared, I took my Sony camera over to the trees. I tried out a few ways of framing the subject and settled on the photograph I was going to take. The light from the festoon lights was minimal, so I had to add some off camera flash to light the happy couple. Then it was just a question of posing and a nice moment. Louise and Rob kissed and the image came out perfectly!

This is actually an award winning shot! I was awarded a Masters Of Wedding Photography award for it which made me very proud. I actually photographed a wedding for a friend of Louise and Robs and won an award for one of their images too. Check it out here!

a documentary photography from a traditional irish wedding



Back at the beginning of last year I made my way over County Mayo to photograph both a traditional Irish wedding and a traditional Persian wedding. I have worked in Ireland before and I was excited to go back there again!


This image was taken during the catholic wedding ceremony. Having seen one of the girls yawn and had grabbed a photo. However, not satisfied, I thought that if the little girl did the same and they both yawned, it would give the shot something extra! Waiting for a long as I could, camera poised, and my patience was rewarded with this composition.

Catholic weddings are long services. For kids, it can be tough to concentrate for that amount of time. This just tells that story. I’m always looking to tell stories like this on a wedding day. Most couples book me for my reportage work, so this is a good really good example of that. I love the rich colours of the edit on this one too! I hope you like it!

I travel all over the UK and Europe, so if you’re looking for a destination wedding photographer just drop me a line!

an award winning wedding photograph by elliot w patching



So, here’s an award winning image that I took in the summer. It’s pure documentary wedding photography. Nothing in this frame was posed. I had seen that the groom was moping his brow and Instantly I wanted to grab a shot of him! It was only after this that I saw that the Virgin Mary and Jesus were behind him! I realised that this would make quite a comical photo, so I moved to incorporate the sculpture. I also saw, that there was a good opportunity for symmetry, so I composed the image to take advantage of this.

I love this photograph because of the fun nature of it. The groom had a cheeky personality too, so I when you are made aware of this I think it elevates it from very good to great! I am always looking for these moments when snapping a wedding.

I’m really pleased to say too that this is an award winning photograph too! It won a This Is Reportage award a few months ago which I was so pleased about. Only 3% of entries win TIR awards, so to win my third is very special!

I’d love to hear what you think of this image so please leave a comment below if you’d like to!

If you’d like to see more of my work you can go to my recent weddings page!